St. Paul Deliverance
Christian Center
"Where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord!"
Eddie Dunlap, at the age of 9, began having dreams and visions of the future; he would see things such as men landing on the moon and nuclear warfare. These dreams would come weekly. He was raised by a God fearing grandmother who made serving God a top priority in her home. Although Eddie did not like going to church, he had no choice; but as he grew older, he strayed away from the religious upbringing that he was taught.
In 1972, while visiting St. Paul Disciples of Christ #1 in Norfolk, Virginia, came Eddie’s day of salvation. He joined the church and became committed as a choir member, Deacon, and Minister. In 1975, he served as Associate Pastor under Bishop Eva B. Fentress. Eddie was faithful to the calling for three years; then in 1978, he was installed as Pastor of St. Paul Disciples of Christ #2. He was instructed by the Lord in a vision to change the name to St. Paul Deliverance. Although it was a store front church, the Fire of God was there! As Pastor Eddie Dunlap continued to remain faithful to the Lord, He was shown another vision: it was time to step out on faith and build. In 1985, the ministry moved into their new sanctuary located at 405 Pendleton Street in the Historical section of Berkley, in Norfolk Virginia.
In spite of insurmountable opposition, God continued to bless the ministry in a tremendous way! Pastor Eddie Dunlap continued to persevere. As a result of great growth, the church was able to burn the mortgage; and they celebrated with a powerful and anointed service. Now the ministry was beginning to burst at the seams and plans were started for a new addition. The new name would be called St. Paul Deliverance Christian Center.
The Ministry expanded with other facets such as: Television Ministry, Radio Ministry and Prison Ministry. Bishop Eddie Dunlap was also inspired to write a book, “Hearing the Voice of God in Your Spirit.” The ministry soon had no more room to grow, and in 2007 moved to 736 Sheppard Avenue in Norfolk Virginia, where we are presently located. Soon after this move, Bishop Dunlap was called and accepted the office of Apostle.
Apostle Eddie Dunlap is married to his wife of 20 years, Paula Dunlap or “Ladybug,” as he affectionately refers to her. They have ministered together faithfully. They strongly believe in the covenant of marriage, and both have an unfailing love for God and each other. They were blessed with 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Apostle Eddie Dunlap will continue to minister to God's people as a humble servant. He will continue to give God all the Glory for the rest of his days because without Him none of this would have been possible!!!